Little Window Into My World

It's been almost a year since my last post, and it's been pretty busy for me and my little growing business. I got engaged last year, and planning a wedding on top of running a business has proven to be quite an undertaking--fun, of course, but let's just say that I may have seen my fiancé's eyes glaze over once or twice when dinner conversations turned to tile patterns on a project or whether he liked garden roses.
One of my New Year's Resolutions (Is it March already?) is to update my website to show some of the work I've been doing. It will take a little time, but I thought these images were a fun sneak peek. That's not a ghost in the bottom pic; it's me trying to get things styled properly for a photograph and not realizing the photographer was taking a photo with a long exposure. Oops!
I thought the photo was funny because it shows a little bit of the juggling act behind the scenes in the world of interiors. There are a million little details that make a room feel good. From wallpaper to lighting to the way a bed is made, it all creates a visual experience. I liked mixing modern furniture lines with a whimsical wallpaper pattern, and I think we created a nice masculine/feminine balance (it's a Master Bedroom).
Hoping to have more to share this year. Stay tuned!
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